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I am very confused as to how to use the code exactly? I am very new to this type of thing and have no idea how to implement it with my sprite in unity. I dropped the script file onto the player sprite and changed some values revolving around movement but when I click play, nothing happens. Is there anything else I have to do exactly?


Hey Masenta,

For your reference, an additional scene is provided which shows the working of the script and  on what extent you can use it.  You can refer to that demo scene which will help you in getting started. 

If you still face any problem, you can definitely reach us at


thanks, this helped me alot with my platformer. the thing is, when i play the game, no matter what i put as the player's speed, it stays the same. is there a way i can change the speed the player starts at?

It is basically made taking the real acceleration of a body into consideration. In order to increase the speed of player you can reduce the overall damping of the player but can keep the turning damping and the stopping damping unchanged/fixed.


okay, thank you.